Unifying ESG efforts in private markets

Available on demand at your leisure – register to view the replay of our virtual event held on Wednesday, December 8.

Together with our institutional investor partners, we look forward to introducing our unified ESG framework and platform during this special online event. The event will begin with an introduction from guests Paul Bodnar (Global Head of Sustainable Investing at BlackRock) and Kristen Weldon (Global Head of Sustainable Investing, BlackRock Alternative Investors). It will conclude with a live Q&A session.

More information:
We have joined forces with our institutional investor client base to define a unified framework to standardize ESG metrics gathered across the industry, and additionally, to provide the private market ecosystem the tools to rapidly establish an industry snapshot and accelerate the progression of ESG credentials of the private companies in which they invest.

Through this investor-led industry alignment on metrics and a readily available common toolkit, we strive to identify and bring transparency to material topics within private markets.

Join us and our institutional investor partners as we introduce our unified ESG framework and platform.

  • Advent Health
  • Allianz Capital Partners: Daniel Gregor, Head of Asset Management – Indirect Strategies; Dietrich Mylius, Head of ESG Reputational Risk Group
  • Allianz Investment Management: Alina Tuleugazy, Investment Strategy, Private Debt & Opportunities
  • BlackRock
  • Generali: Matteo Sincovich, Group Private Equity Portfolio Management
  • Ilmarinen
  • IMAS Foundation
  • KENFO: Clara Mokry, Sustainability Manager; Alexander Witkowski, Investment Manager Private Equity
  • PPF: Claire Curtin, Head of ESG; Iliana Lazarova, Senior ESG Analyst
  • Schroders Capital: Klay Heston, Private Equity Investment Manager, ESG Committee Member
  • TESI: Tom Riihiranta, Middle Office Manager

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